My work is still quite young, and it is only thanks to the guidance of Jennifer Sorenson that is here at all. That said, I appreciate the opportunity to show what I have learned. As in earlier photographic work, my preference is black and white, which dictates my media. I use pencil, charcoal, pen and ink for most everything I draw.
My first efforts were dedicated to illustrating a book that I am writing about my grandfather’s horseback journey through the new state of New Mexico, using his antique photos for references. Then, I turned to drawing my favorite writers; interesting photos that I had taken and celebs, using Richard Avedon’s photos; finally, modern painters and their work. Here, I used color rendering their work in the background. As you can see, these drawings are personally attached to my particular interests. I hope they speak to you.
New Mexico/Colorado 1913

In Spite of Us:
Laborers on Wolf Creek Pass, CO
11"x9" ink

Navajo Hogan, Shiprock, NM
11"x9" ink

Temptation in the Garden,
Shiprock, NM
ink 11"x9"

Jorge Luis Borges, author
11"x9", pencil

Dostoevsky, author
11"x9" ink

T.S. Eliot, author
11"x9" ink

Zora Neal Hurston, author
9"x11" pencil/charcoal

Flannery O'Connor, author
11"x9". ink

Eudora Welty, author
11"x9". pencil

Loulou de la Falaise, Avedon
11"x9". pencil

Coco Channel, Avedon
11"x9". pencil/charcoal

Janice Joplin, Avedon 11"x9"

Marlene Dietrich, Avedon
11"x9" pencil

Ladies Who Lunch, Avedon
9"x11". pencil/charcoal

11"x9" pencil/charcoal

Bette Midler, Avedon
11"x9" pencil/charcoal

Stood Up, Avedon
11"x9" pencil

Georges Braque, painter 11"x14"
pencil/charcoal and watercolor

Marcel Duchamps, painter
11"x14" pencil and watercolor

Gustav Klimt, painter 11"x14"
pencil and watercolor

Modigliani, painter
11"x14" pencil and watercolor

Lee Krasner. painter
11"x14" pencil and watercolor

Max Ernst/painter
11"x14" pencil and watercolor

Rene Magritte. painter 11"x14"
pencil/charcoal and watercolor

Egon Schliele/painter
11"x14" pencil and watercolor

Lobster traps, Bar Harbor
13"x17" ink

Mom, 2019
11"x9". pencil

Ruidoso races 1, New Mexico
13"x17" ink